Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Eat That Frog

If you are to eat an ugly frog in the morning for breakfast, what can happen during the day that will make it worse? None right? That is the premise of the book Eat that Frog! by Brian Tracy.

He tells us to start our day by writing all the things that we need to do then listing them down according to importance. The tasks that we know are important should be the first order of the day. Even if we hate it. Even if we don't enjoy doing that particular task. Setting all aside and working on that single important particular task will do wonder. After writing off that task, nothing worse can happen in your day.

Tackle that ugly frog first. 

I followed that approached and it helped me get things done. Even before reading the book, i always start my day writing down the lists of tasks that i needed to do and cross them off my list once the task is done. But there is something common in my list every now and then. A task that i do not enjoy doing so day by day the task will appear in my list. It will reappear until it reaches the point where the task is really due and i am all stressed and with all might and effort, i will finally focus on the task and get it done. Sure, it was done but i completed the way i finish a speed training; heaving and panting. Not good.

So i applied what Brian suggests. I start working on the most important items on my list even if i don't enjoy doing them. I start trading off with activities that i really enjoy but less important. I tell myself that eating these frogs will make me feel better later so i need to do it. And after i am done with the ugly frogs, i start working on the tadpoles. Those tasks that I know will become an ugly frog if i don't eat it as early as now. So again, i focus on the important tasks that i enjoy and get them off my plate.

After that, my day is good. I start working on the tasks i call dessert. Blueberry cheesecake. These are the tasks that i enjoy doing but of less importance. But since i am done with the ugly frogs, i get to enjoy the day. I get to finish these blueberry cheesecake and it covers all the foul taste that i got from eating the frogs. 

So there you go. How do you stop procrastination? Any tips? Books to suggest?

P.S. This is my sixth book for the year and its July. Six more to go.
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