Friday, November 5, 2010

Your Nest Egg's Best Asset is Your Health

David Ning, On Thursday November 4, 2010, 2:12 pm EDT 

When you are young and healthy it's hard to imagine a day when your health will fail. Although money is extremely important in our retirement, our health trumps that anytime of the day. Without a strong body, we cannot enjoy our travels. Without healthy bones and joints, we cannot even walk around the park without feeling pain. Without good health, we cannot enjoy anything.

Wealth might prolong our life, but it cannot make us healthy. Perhaps one day we will be able to replace what's inside of us much like car parts. But, right now, too many things are irreplaceable. No amount of money can buy a healthy body. When we think about retirement planning, we ought to think about our health too. Here are three areas you should start monitoring today.

Regular exercise. No one should say that they don't have time for exercise. It doesn't really take that much time out of your day. In fact, once you get into the hang of it, you will have more energy and you will probably end up accomplishing the rest of your chores much faster, freeing up more time.

Watch your diet. The key to getting in shape is measuring what you eat. Most people simply eat too much. You can still eat good, flavorful, and tasty meals, but just don't eat way too much if you care about your health. A 36-ounce steak may seem like a good idea now, but these meals add up over time.

Keep stress under control. The job market is getting more competitive these days, and it's understandable to feel like you have to work harder and take more responsibility just to avoid moving backwards. But remember, your family needs you to be healthy much more than any dollars you can bring home. Money doesn't always equal happiness.

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