- If its not meant to be, then it is not meant to be. Have you been into a bad relationship. The relationship was so bad but because you love the person so much you ignore the signs and still went ahead and swallowed your pride? I guess it is just like like a baby allergic to a certain brand of milk. It doesn't matter how much effort you give, the baby will eventually spit it out.
- Just cry. Gas pains make babies cry. They'll never stop crying until the air comes out and once the gas is out, that's the only time they start to relax. So are relationship issues. If you don't bring it out, it will make you cry. You won't feel good until it is out. So go ahead, let it out, cry it out, be tired, then everything will be fine again.
- Give space. After so many hours of trying to put baby to sleep, they eventually will sleep. But most of the time, you'll hear once short cry. Don't address it because it will also go away. Sometimes people get angry and they are angry. Just give them time and it will heal and everything will be ok again.
- Embrace change and be ready to take risks. My baby discovered that he can roll over and lay on his stomach. Its a new world to him. A new perspective on things. But he find it difficult to go back to his original position and when he misses that he cries for help. Life is like that. Sometimes change come and we enjoy the company of new people. Then we get used to this new thing and it is no longer new to us. So we miss the old ways. The old times. But sometimes, it is difficult to bring the old ways back